If you're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired...

Then our integrative approach to chronic pain, inflammation, joint pain and arthritis is right for you!

Our Fort Mill, South Carolina clinic specializes in discovering and correcting the underlying causes of both biomechanical and biochemical-based chronic pain conditions and symptoms.  

No pain drugs with awful side effects.  Just real relief.  

A pain-free life is possible - when you address ALL the underlying factors behind your pain.

  • Knee Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Other Joint Pain
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • And more...


Chiropractic care is truly life-changing for biomechanical issues; however, many chronic pain disorders have both biomechanical and biochemical roots.  Many pain sufferers find themselves bouncing between a quality chiropractor, their medical doctor, and a neurologist or other specialist to get the answers they need.  Our clinic is unlike any other because we can address both causes of your pain in one location.  



Biomechanical Pain is the result of musculoskeletal structural dysfunction of the joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This type of pain is usually the result of poor posture, spinal issues, or an injury. Chiropractic therapy, physical therapy, and massage therapy are common therapies to help eliminate biomechanical pain.

Biochemical Pain is the result of an inflammatory reaction in the body caused by chemical imbalances. This type of pain is usually caused by gut, hormones, neurotransmitter, nutrient, immune, and toxicity imbalances. Nutrition therapy, hormone replacement therapy, and other biochemical-based medications are common therapies to help eliminate biochemical pain.

Pain Conditions that Benefit from a Biochemical AND Biomechancial Solution Approach

Trigger of Neuropathy
Trigger of Neuropathy
Trigger of Neuropathy

Chronic Pain 

Back Pain 


Trigger of Neuropathy
Trigger of Neuropathy
Trigger of Neuropathy


Chronic Inflammation


Trigger of Neuropathy
Trigger of Neuropathy
Trigger of Neuropathy

Knee Pain 

Shoulder Pain 

Other Joint Pain

Trigger of Neuropathy
Trigger of Neuropathy
Trigger of Neuropathy

Stubborn Weight Gain

Gut Inflammation

And More

We're Here to Help Answer Your Questions

Step 1:Submit Your Info

Step 2:Free Phone Call

Step 3:Initial Appointment




Everyone has so many questions when they first discover integrative chiropractic care, so we offer a FREE 10 minute phone call. Let's make sure we're a good fit for each other!

In the free call, we'll help you book your initial practitioner appointment.

Ready to learn more? Fill our the contact form on this website and our team will be in touch to schedule your free phone call. 

Get to the Root of Your Pain with a Integrative Approach! 


1201 Carolina Pl Dr Suite 101

Fort Mill SC 29708

Suffering from Joint Pain? Did You Know....

  • Spinal misalignments can cause pain in your knees, shoulders, wrists and other joints throughout your body?
  • Thyroid hormone imbalances may cause joint degeneration and pain? 
  • Low testosterone hormone levels may lead to joint pain and stiffness? 
  • Low estrogen hormone levels may impact bone and joint pain? 
  • Low vitamin D levels can amplify joint and rheumatoid arthritis pain? 

By correcting biomechanical AND biochemical imbalances in the body, you may finally achieve lasting pain relief!

Meet Our Team

Dr. Jeff Matz, DC

  • Doctorate in Chiropractic
  • Specialist in the biomechnical causes of joint pain, arthritis and chronic inflammation
  • Masters in Nutrition and Food Science

Dr. Brinda Navalgund, M.D.

  • AAPM&R - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • AAPM&R - Pain Medicine
  • AAPM&R - Spinal Cord Medicine
  • American Board of Pain Medicine

Let's Find Solutions Together

Curious to learn more? Start off with a free discovery call.  In this call, we'll learn more about you and help you book the initial practitioner appointment. 

Adult adventure backpack


1201 Carolina Pl Dr Suite 101

Fort Mill SC 29708

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